Saturday, January 7, 2012

Moving lesson of the night

You know all those super adorable, OMG! How Precious!, my baby is such a genius pieces of art that you bring home from daycare, then throw in a box to eventually "organize and preserve"? Yeah, you should totally write the date on the back of those construction paper masterpieces. Otherwise you'll be faced with some hard decisions later down the road. Like making up dates.

Also, I've decided that preschool teachers WAY overuse the glue-and-tissue-paper medium.

1 comment:

  1. I have the easiest way to organize. Get 2 pieces of poster board and staple them together on 3 sides to make a giant envelope. Write the date on the front and let the kids decorate it. Tack it up on the wall by your door and deposit art directly into it as soon as you come in the door from school-- like a giant portfolio. When it is too full, write the end date on it and hang up a new one. All the arts stays flat, and it's super easy to store.
